Abe Bernstein, Student & Performer

I remember first hearing about Stagebridge when I moved to the Bay Area a dozen years or so ago, at the age of 75. While I had previously done some acting in community theater, I found some new uniquely wonderful opportunities for me here. 

First, I found opportunities to learn about and try things I had never done before, such as improv theater. Second, I got the chance to hone my skills as part of a performing troupe. I found that Playback Theater was my thing, and I did it at Stagebridge for many years before my memory began failing and I had to give it up. Third, I was able to be of service by performing in such venues as schools and senior centers. And lastly, I performed in public at places like The Marsh. I began doing those things through Stagebridge and then went on to do more and more on my own.

I found some wonderful teachers and directors, and I had opportunities to try my hand at things I'd never done before. I found some that were not for me and some others that were, which I might never have stumbled on without Stagebridge.

Some of my fondest memories include a Kirk Waller storytelling class in which we all performed the same short story, The Lion and the Rabbit, in totally different ways, and the multi-year process with Erin Merritt in which we developed the commemorative musical play FSM and ultimately performed it at Berkeley Rep. 

I have fond memories of attending showcases by Michael French's acting classes and seeing the same 10-minute skits performed in different ways by different students. I also thoroughly enjoyed and grew as an actor through the experiences of rehearsing and performing in the plays 33 Variations and August: Osage County, which Michael directed.

I've experienced the great joy of having people of different ages tell me they enjoyed performing with me, or that a performance of mine really moved them and made a difference in their lives.

I've always done better at meeting people by engaging in creative activities rather than going to parties and socializing, so I’m glad I found this community. 

Stagebridge, and the people I’ve met here, have been a major part of my life for the past decade.

~Abe Bernstein, Student & Performer